iOS 8 review: Apple is trying to catch up with Android

Apple is trying to catch some fish from the Android sea with its bigger sized iPhones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. Apple launched a migration guide that will help you to move your stuff into the iOS universe. email and social networks should come across very easily. The migration guide includes App Store equivalents to any given Android program.The migration guide frequently uses the drag-and-drop file transfers method of Android to migrate to iOS, but you will not get this drag and drop facility in iOS. But still it is not easy to migrate to iOS.

Apple has included some new features in iOS. It was clear that Apple was mainly focused on catching up with Android. iOS 8 has so many new features, including camera controls ,third-party keyboards, widgets, health and fitness tools, home automation and the ability to interact with other apps. If you are an Android user you may not believe it, because the Android users have been using these facilities since 3 to 4 years.

iOS 8



  • Apps can now interact with other apps

  • "Hey Siri" command only works when phone is plugged in
  • Support for third-party keyboards

  • iCloud Drive files should be easier to access

  • Manual camera controls
  • Developers still can't touch Control Center

  • Continuity lets you easily move between devices
  • Few improvements to Apple Maps
  • Family Sharing 

  • Actionable notifications


Better than the previous version, but we think it is only a catch-up game with Android.

User interface

In iOS 8 Apple focused on adding functionality to the iPhone and iPad. There are no significant changes to the layout or design of iOS 8 comparing to iOS 7. You can only find out the difference by a close observation. But there's a lot of new stuff in it.

Major features


Finally with iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, Apple is able to bridge the gap between iPhones and Mac. If your MacBook and iPhone are conneted to a same network, using continuity you can start a process in one and complete it in the other, provided signed in with the same Apple ID. You to send and receive calls on your MacBook if your iPhone is in the other room. Finally, it lets you use Airdrop to share files among multiple devices.

Another feature is Handoffs. It is just a part of the Continuity feature. Apple's also made AirDrop a universal service so you can wirelessly transfer files between Macs and iOS devices

If you only have one Apple device then you may never get a chance to use these functions.


Using the Extensibility feature developers can create apps that can interact with other apps.


Apple has added a new predictive-typing engine called QuickType, which adapts to your various writing styles and figure out what you're going to say based on whom you're talking to and which app you're using.
Apple is finally allowing third-party keyboards.
QuickType should improve the stock keyboard experience.

Manual camera controls

Using Extensibility feature stock camera apps like Camera+, Aviary and Spark Camera will now offer more options. White balance, ISO, exposure, manual focus and even shutter speed are included as part of the package.


iOS 8 introduced HealthKit and a stand-alone Health app, which comes preloaded and can't be deleted. 

iCloud Drive

iCloud Drive is a way to store any file of any kind and access it from your phone, tablet or computer. You can also grab it from any compatible app, edit and manipulate the file and save it back in the cloud.


iOS 8 also marks Apple's first major step into the world of home automation.

Family Sharing

If all your family members are using iPhone and you've shared the same Apple ID with your spouse or kids. Then you don't have to purchase the same games multiple times.

Enhanced features


Finally, iOS 8 notifications are now actionable like android.
The banner goes away after some time. If you want to act upon it later, you have to pull down the Notification Center and swipe left on the item. Slightly inconvenient, but one is better than zero.


The iOS 8 lets third party applications to add widgets of their own. Unlike android they're only pieces of glanceable information.


Now, Spotlight has been updated and enabled to search beyond your locally stored items. Now you can use it to searching for an answer online, locating a nearby business or finding out when the next movie is playing? Etc.


At last, Siri is capable of actively listening and waiting for you to say its key words. Siri comes to life when you say, "Hey, Siri." But, this is only available when the device is plugged in!?. So you cannot use it while you are walking or travelling.

Native apps

This is only a quick review so; we cannot go over every minor detail. All the native apps are improved.


After all iOS 8 has more strengths than its weaknesses. 
