New Stuff in Android 5.0 Lollipop

Google has officially announced Android 5.0 Lollipop, it is the name of the latest version of the Google OS available to smartphones and tablets. Take a look at the main features of Lollipop.
Android 5.0 Lollipop

Material Design:

Lollipop comes with a brand new interface, built on its new Material Design principles. Material Design includes new guidelines that developers must adhere to their application visually integrates with Android 5.0 Lollipop. The interface features brighter colors, smoother animations than the earlier versions. Due to these design guidelines all the future android apps will have a unified look. The bright colors are put forward , like a little flat style on several levels or animations rather pleasing to the eye and also convenient for the user.
Material Design is supposed to be fully responsive to applications that are compatible ( and practices) with any size and screen resolution.

Smarter notifications

Now, you can access your entire notification list directly from the lock screen. Just swipe down to expand the notification panel, you will get more information. The notifications will be automatically sorted based on their preriority.
Lollipop allows developers to add a small box that appears above full-screen apps. You can expand the small box notification, act on, or dismiss it, without leaving the full app. You can also use the Do Not Disturb and Priority Modes to Filter or Silence Notifications.

More options in the Quick Settings section
Quick settings

Finally, the Android Smart Lock will pair the device with a connected object ( shows Android Apps Wear or a car Auto ) for automatic unlocking.

You can now Unlock Your Phone with Wearable such as smart watch if your Android wearable is near to your device you can surpass the authentication.


Now you can create as many accounts as there are users of the device, a really handy feature for tablets, now it is available for smartphones.
A guest mode also allows the tablet to lend to anyone without fear of revealing their private data.
Function even allows a person to log-in on his Google account from the terminal of someone else to access data in the cloud (contacts, messages, photos, etc.).

Performance up

The performance of Android 5.0 Lollipop should be increased through various technologies and features . First, the ART virtual machine will replace Dalvik : operation AOT ( Ahead Of Time ) replaces the operation JIT (Just In Time) Dalvik . Applications take longer to install, but launch and execution should be faster.
Android 5.0 has support for 64-bit architectures. This will improve performance on your devices.
Finally, the Extension Pack Android and OpenGL ES 3.1 allowing developers to offer games with graphics and 3D performance up.

Lollipop Android 5.0 : Google is innovating and catching up
The list of new features does not stop there. The curious can go take a look at the Google site. All of these features will allow Google to catch up with manufacturers; some of the manufacturers already incorporated some functions that can be found in Android 5.0 Lollipop. Other features not found anywhere in the Android world for the moment (including things like the remote Client or improved performance) and now Google have better weapons to deal with Apple iOS 8.

Enhanced safety and the appearance of a kill switch

Security will be at the heart of Android 5.0 Lollipop . By default, data encryption is enabled on all devices, useful for protecting personal data in case of theft or loss of the phone.
The kill switch finally makes its appearance in stock Android. This feature had been already implemented by some manufacturers, but the laws of certain countries will make it mandatory in the next few months. If you reset the device, the user must enter the password associated with the device.

Multitasking Is Now "Recents", Now Includes Chrome Tabs

Google revamped Android's multitasking interface. It’s currently referred to as "Recents" and includes individual tabs in Chrome. The new Recents UI uses a card-style, it makes it easier to navigate between completely different tasks.

"OK, Google" Now Works Even When Your Phone Is Off

It apparently needs hardware support, which suggests for currently it'll be restricted to the Nexus 6 and Nexus nine. However, any device with a support for "digital signal processing" will use this Moto X-like feature.

The Screen Will be automatically Turned on when your hand on the phone. This is a surprisingly-useful feature.

The Battery Saving Mode

If your battery is getting low, just turn on the Battery Saver mode. It will disable certain battery-hogging features.
